Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 23 - Something you crave a lot

I don't know what I crave most.  I do know that I love popcorn!  And I know that I love Diet Coke!  But more importantly, I wish I could spend one more day with my grandpa and get the chance to tell him that I love him and that I miss him!  I had the chance to spend some time with my grandma tonight and it was so much fun.  She was teaching me how to do bobbin lace, she taught me about 10 years ago when my grandpa died but I have forgotten since then.  I am going to start going over at least once a week, or at least I am going to try.  I don't want to have the last regret of wanting to spend more time with her.  I feel so blessed to have gotten to know my grandpa as well as I did.  I'm sorry I kind of got off topic, but I am really missing my grandpa today and this last week.  Our house has felt so completely empty with him gone.  I know that he is proud of me and I know that he loves me.  I just can't wait until I can see him again!  I love you Grandpa!!!

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